Here is a recap of our 2013 and 2011 schedules:
Picteilín 2013, 6th September 2013
Opening address by Head of School of Informatics and Creative Arts.
Dr Gerard Bob McKiernan
Out of Adversity – a short documentary reflecting upon the lived experiences of teachers and students of the Northern Ireland school system during the Troubles
Sarah McCann
10:15 to 10.45
Call to arms: The construction of an Anonymous identity.
Irene McGinn
10.45 to 11.15
A world within a world: a filmed series of long-term observational portraits of a unique school and educational system.
Neasa Ni Chianáin
11:15 to 11:45
11:45 to 12:15
Designing for Accessibility and Better eLearning Game Design.
Adrian Mallon
12:15 to 12:45
Designing for Senior Gamers, Best practice for game graphic design in a new emerging market.
JJ Quinlan
12:45 to 1:15
Control: Playing Through Videogame Interface Constraints.
Kieran Nolan
1:15 to 2:00
Documentary Futures: Collaboration and Participation.
Dara DeFaoite
It looks as it sounds: On the use of images as controllers of audiovisual material in graphical user interfaces.
Liam O’Sullivan
KeyNote Presentation: The Anatomy of an App
Mark Campbell
Honeycomb – the creative hive.
Kevin Fearon
Looking back to go forward: A comparison of digital dualism and technological determinism.
Kirsty Park
Remixing Pedagogy: positioning the video essay as a discourse in media criticism.
Aidan Delaney
‘Plunkett’s Pages: A thematic analysis of the 1916 Easter Rising Alternate Reality Game’.
Ronan Lynch
Picteilín 2011, 8th September 2011
9.00 – 9.40 Registration
9.40 Opening Address
Dr Gerard Bob McKiernan Head of School of Informatics and Creative Arts, Dundalk Institute of Technology
Session 1
Chair: JJ Quinlin
9.45 – 11.00am
Creative Pedagogy and Transformative work practices;
Kieran Nolan
I See Dead Pixels: CPU to MTV, lo-fi computing audio-visuals as a mainstream aesthetic.
Adrian Mallon
Strings, Pegs, Pixels and Passion. Automated digital puppet performance in e-learning design.
Session 1
Chair: Eamonn Crudden
11.30 – 1.00pm
New Media Narrative Forms;
Jeneen Naji
Poetry as a game – an analysis of online poetry games.
Ronan Lynch
The factors that lead to Alternate Reality Game failures and guidelines to help avoid such implosions.
Paolo Cirio
Recombinant Fiction.
Bride Mallon
A Narrative Model for Evaluating Simulations.
Session 3
Chair: Marina Hughes
2.00 – 3.30pm
Media, Culture, Community and Society 1;
Irene McGinn & Catherine Agnew
Changing Community Structure and Hierarchy in Online Communities: Revisiting Misha’s Minions.
Donal Beecher
James Joyce’s Ulysses and the Digital Generation.
Sarah McCann
Shooting the Messenger? Whistle-blowing & the case of ‘Fairytale of Kathmandu’.
Session 4
Chair: Matt Green
3.45 – 4.45pm
Media, Culture, Community and Society 2;
Anya Stafford
Towards Digital Ecosystems, as reflecting Biological/Natural Ecosystems.
Kylie Jarrett
I ❤ Google: Affect and the Searcher.
Ruairí Murphy
Reading in the web of distractions.
Chair: Caroline O’Sullivan
Nelly-Ben Hayoun
Adapting science to our creative needs: designing – – – tangible – – –fictions?